Lakewood Marriage Counseling, Relationship Counseling
Relationships are a lot like house plants or gardens, when we tend to them consistently with love, understanding and meaningful connection, or in the case of plants give them sunlight and water, they bloom and are fruitful, rich, colorful and full of life.
Life gets busy. There’s lots of roles and tasks to keep up with. Work. Family. Friends. Colleagues. Aging Parents. Life Transitions. Job Changes. Parenting. Hobbies. Health. With so much to juggle it can be easy and very human of us to unintentionally neglect one of our most meaningful connections…the one with our partner. The person we choose to do life with.

Prepare/Enrich can be a great tool to help you and your partner/spouse press pause on the various distractions in life and invite the two of you to see your relationship in a new light and with a sense of hope and direction to reconnect and feel secure again with one another.
Prepare/Enrich is more than just an online assessment. It is a step by step program that I offer couples where they can learn and practice numerous skills and tools to not only understand and connect better with each other but to also do so with themselves individually.
What is Prepare/Enrich?
Very simply the tool itself is an online assessment that you and your partner answer individually. The assessment takes about 30-45 minutes. The questions are formulated to gather information about you and your partner in the following areas: relationship dynamics, communication, conflict resolution, family relationship dynamics, financial management, health and wellness, leisure activities, relationship roles/responsibilities, relationship/marriage expectations, sexual expectations/relationship, spiritual beliefs, and stress.
Prepare/Enrich is NOT intended as a test (there is no passing or failing) and it is NOT intended to predict chances of relational success or failure.
Prepare/Enrich WILL help increase your understanding of your relationship in a variety of areas.
Goals of Prepare/Enrich:
- Identify and Explore strength and growth areas
- Strengthen communication skills
- Identify and manage major stressors
- Learn how to resolve conflicts more effectively
- Develop a more balanced relationship using Couple and Family Maps
- Understand personality differences and maximize teamwork
The program that I offer couples using the Prepare/Enrich assessment tool is a series of 8 sessions, 60-9o minutes in length. Each session covers a specific topic.
- Strength and Growth Areas, Relationship Dynamics, Communication
- Personal Stress Profile, Conflict Resolution
- Couple and Family Maps
- SCOPE Personality Review and Relationship Goals
- Financial Management and Relationship Roles
- Sex and Affection and Leisure Activities
- Children and Parenting, Spiritual Beliefs
- Review Feedback, Reflect on Growth and Finalize Goals
Additional sessions beyond these can certainly be helpful in focusing on any areas that seem to need more focus and support.
Financial Investment
- Online Assessment $35
- Couples Workbook $4.99
- 8 60-90 minute therapy sessions at $225/session
Here is a link to the Prepare/Enrich website for more information about the assessment tool.